Brilliant piece, thank you.

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This is a brilliant piece, full of wisdom. Thank you for sharing this.

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Beautiful. Thank you

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Great piece that should be taken on board by all writers, wherever they are in the process. Bestsellers don’t stay bestsellers forever. Unpublished writers frequently become published. The world changes, and is in a constant state of flux. Some books sell better than others and it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ‘better’ books. Thanks Katy!

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This is such a brilliant, thoughtful piece Katy. Rejection is baked into lots of stages of the industry and it’s a tough thing to process (on both sides!). Thank you for writing and I hope you’re well xx

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This is such a great post about rejection - it happens to all writers and whilst it so often feels personal, it rarely actually is.

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Thank you for writing this. It couldn't be better timed.

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